Friday, April 24, 2009


Are relationships always so difficult? Why is it that 5 years down the line, egos still come in the way? Why is it "my-way-or-the-highway"? Why do simple insignificant things become yelling screaming ugly matches? Aren't you supposed to be happy together, thus are together, thus should be trying to make each other happy too? aaaaaaaaaagggggggrrrhhhhhhhh!! I could scream!

But in spite of the fights that seem to have become a way of life these days, that we seem to disagree more than agree these days, that conversations so often end with the phone being slammed, D is one of the only stable factors in my life, and I can almost confidently say I in his. That 5 years later, I know that come what may, when the going gets tough, he's the person I will go to. That after every fight with mom, every difficult paper and every broken nail, D is the person I will call. That every time we meet, all the fights seem so silly and insignificant. It’s strange, that D and I cant fight face to face. On the phone we are the most awful people, but the second we meet, it’s forgotten. Like I said earlier, D is my closest friend and the stability in my life. 5 years ago, when i didn’t know whether or not I liked D, during blissful months in college, he told me that you know you like someone when the thought of them not being there shatters you. I know now how true that is.

And when all around me, I see broken relationships, and breaking ones, I cant help but wonder… Do people just not try hard enough? Why is it that our relationship has managed to survive the test of time and others haven't? And how is it that I know, that through the fights and the yelling, we will survive.

Haye, I feel so much better!!

1 comment:

DH said...

hmmn... I wonder, why is it that you've never told me abt this 'D' !?!